
Chirping notes

Every gift is a note, it expresses what’s left unsaid.

Chirping notes are messages that awaken a collective movement.

Hyatt Regency San Francisco, San Francisco, United States

This is an online game and a social experiment. The game costs $3+ to play.

You can choose to remain anonymous or create a user profile. If you make an account, you can keep track of the ripple you create.

Organizations who wish to participate can purchase a multi-player game. Only organizations can gift to other organizations.

Gifts are an expression what’s left unsaid. In every gift is a note.

Chirping notes are the universal expressions that we hope can awaken collective movement.

This is an experiment to see whether the tiniest acts of kindness can move the world.

Every person who participates, whether as a gifter or receiver, has the option of putting their name on our website. We will keep track of the ripple it creates.

How this game works:

Each gift

Buy something, you write a note to a stranger somewhere in the world in need of something positive

You can purchase gift cards

Gifts are an expression the things left unsaid.

Gifts are the feelings we leave behind.

Every gift sends a chirping note.